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Find Places to Get You Closer to Your Fitness Goals

You'll need more than exercise, so let's discover the places that will help you go further - parks, gyms, smoothie spots, and more. 


Not only vibrant and lively but there are tons of places to level up your health and wellness routine

Bed Stuy

The energy is unmatched; Local businesses are dedicated to promoting wellness, from gyms to herbal shops 

Howard Beach

Reach your full potential as you explore the multitude of places and soak in seaside views

East New York

A vibrant working-class neighborhood with ample parks, perfect for grinding and staying active

Crown Heights

Crown Heights is a neighborhood steeped in progress from its early settlers to the present day


Nostalgic architecture unites with a vibrant health and wellness hub in Gowanus

Prospect Heights

Home to the biggest farmers market in Brooklyn and the second largest park in Brooklyn, Prospect Park. 

Request Your Neighborhood Guide

Explore all the local fitness hotspots in your neighborhood! While we're currently only able to offer guides for New York, we're working hard to expand to other cities.

Fill out our form to join the waitlist for your city. Let's get fit!

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