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Burnout is Real

Nobalti Writer

Updated: Dec 27, 2022

Burnout isn’t anything new, but in recent years there's been frequent recognition of this experience that many people encounter.

Burnout is a state of exhaustion that can consume the mind and can pose physical symptoms on the body. It tends to look like

  • Lack of energy

  • Difficulties concentrating or completing a task to usual standards

  • Inconsistent sleeping habits

Each year, Google compiles insights based on top searches, and here are a few top queries from 2021:

  • Searches for affirmations took an all-time high worldwide

  • How to ask for a raise was the top ask in the U. S

  • How to maintain mental health is searched more globally than ever

Health is holistic - it’s a mind, body, and soul experience. And for many Americans, most of their waking hours are spent at work. So, is it important for companies to develop practices in the workplace that align with a healthy lifestyle? While a stress-free life isn’t practical, developing a culture where people aren’t set up to burn out is practical.

Many publications provide sound advice on managing burnout

  • Seek support

  • Get some exercise

  • Consider a mental health day

While these are all essential and significant, it doesn’t consider the many Americans who may not have a support system or even vacation days. ‘Time off' is a luxury within itself that not everyone has. But organizations can build cultures with sustainable solutions.

  • ‘No meeting’ day

  • Specific time off for doctors appointments

  • ‘Company vacation days’, which are specific days set aside by organizations to prevent employees from burning out

  • Vacation days, regardless of the position

While burnout is based on environmental factors around us, let's take simple steps each day to prioritize our overall health. Also, be sure to take steps to speak to management or reach out to local health services in your communities, if your environment may be causing burnout.


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