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Gut Check

Nobalti Writer

Updated: Jan 13, 2023

A healthy gut is essential for a healthy life, but how does an unhealthy gut function? What does that look like?

As cited in the previous topic, The Digestive Process is a multilayered cycle that starts with food and beverages entering the mouth and ends with bowel movements. Everything from beginning to end is a factor that contributes to the right amount and type of bacteria residing in the gut. Many organs may be affected when there is an imbalance.

Mouth: The microbiome in the gut could impact the gums, causing inflammation, tooth decay, and the potential for diseases.

Esophagus: Acid from the stomach can enter the esophagus and alter the lining and cells, which can cause discomfort, disturbances, or, more severely, diseases.

Stomach: Excess acid in the stomach can cause bloating and cramping. When muscles in the abdomen don't function properly, it is difficult to mix the food to a desired amount and efficiently transport it into the small intestine. In addition, if the lining in the stomach deteriorates, it can produce less gastric juice, which protects the small intestine from infection and kills bacteria.

Small Intestine: Infections in the intestine can cause irregular bowel movements. Additionally, parasites can live within the intestine and live off the nutrients received from food. Infections can cause cramps and nausea.

Large Intestine: Infections in the large intestine can cause stomach cramps and become much more severe. Difficulties storing stool can affect the entire digestive process, making it difficult to eat, provide nutrients, and rid the body of unwanted food and bacteria.

The gut is pivotal to life. Eating a well-balanced diet and drinking plenty of fluids is essential to aid your body. In addition, there are a variety of tests doctors can perform to test your gut health; Speak to your doctor if you need a gut check.


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