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Mental Toughness With Meditation

Nobalti Writer

Inconsistency and lack of focus prevent people from being the best version of themselves.

Of course, the desire to be better is always present, but the steps to get there aren’t always as easy as a recipe, so doubt, fear, and physical and mental exhaustion creep in, leading us to fall short of our goals. In moments such as this, meditation is helpful. It provides focus and quiets the mind.

Scientific research has also shown that meditation improves cognitive function, reasoning, attention, focus, memory, and spatial abilities.

The United States Armed Forces are given basic training, also known as boot camp, upon enlisting. Boot camp is said to be a mind game to discipline and mentally and physically challenge recruits.

So as we embark on a fitness journey, our first step is to build mental toughness, focus, and discipline.

And no, we’re not off fighting a war, but we often go to war with ourselves, deciding if we should do this or that.

Mark Devine, a Navy SEAL Commander, best-selling author, yoga master, and entrepreneur, provides an example of meditation and mindfulness in action. He shared vivid details on how he starts his day on SEALFIT.

  1. Wake up at dawn, and before even opening my eyes, I begin my positivity process.

  2. Get out of bed to drink a glass of fresh water and do some forward bends with deep diaphragmatic breathing.

  3. Next, I review my ethos to ground my inner domain in the essential things and box-breathe for 5 to 20 minutes.

  4. I visualize my day by ‘dirt diving’ to set things on the right path. I also picture a “future version” of myself to sow the SEALFIT goal-actualization process.

  5. Finally, I have a cup of coffee with coconut oil and butter and head into my workplace, where I crank out my 90-minute SEALFIT Operator Workout of the Day (OPWOD) alone or with my teammates.

While our day might not look like that of military personnel, we can bring focus into our lives by following these practices and incorporating meditation into the morning routine. The way we start our day is essential to success.


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