Starting the day off right is important to everyone. Whether it’s making sure you have a moment to pray before you get up from the bed, reading affirmations, or making sure the kids ate and are off to school, it all sets the tone for the day.

So, how do we set the tone for our bodies?
A simple stretch is a great way to wake our bodies up without springing forward into a task. The parasympathetic system is responsible for controlling the way the body functions when it's resting. It’s responsible for communicating to various organs in the body, such as the eyes opening and shutting or the lungs expanding or narrowing. Easing our way into the day puts less stress on our parasympathetic systems and our bodies overall.
If you are aware of the tense parts of your body, focus on stretching those areas. Here are a few simple, essential stretches to get you started, but it’s a great idea to stretch for your activities for the day.
Diaphragm Stretch
Take slow, long breaths, as you inhale, and do the same as you exhale, allowing the rib cage to expand
Not only is that stretch good for the body, but it’s a great way to get your mind ready for the day.
Standing Toe Touch
Slowly allow the back to roll down as you stretch deep and touch your toes.
Shoulder Rotations
Slowly move your shoulder forward and backward
Stretching in the morning is essential, but maintaining simple stretches throughout the day is also key. Build a routine and listen to your body when it needs an extra moment to stretch.