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Principles for a Strong Core

Nobalti Writer

Building a solid core sets the framework for your fitness journey.

The core is like the beams in a home; they provide stability and support the body’s weight. All movement connects to the center.

The core is the lumbo-pelvic hip complex (LPHC), which is the lumbar spine, the pelvic girdle, the abdomen, and the hip joint. The glutes are also a part of the core muscles.

The core is responsible for

  • Stabilization and support for movement

  • Transferring weight from the upper and lower body

Stabilization, strength, and power are the principles for building a solid core.


Exercises in this stage focus on neuromuscular efficiency, producing muscle force with less muscle fiber activation, making the movement more efficient.

  • Bird dog

  • Floor bridge

  • Marching

  • Plank

  • Side bridge


Strength Workouts involve more motion but with the same techniques of the stabilization phase. The intent and stability of the workout remain, but the speed and repetition enhance.

  • Back extension

  • Deadbug

  • Crunches

  • Kneeling ab wheel rollout


Core power exercises require more power and speed.

  • Bicycle Crunch

  • V - Ups

  • Lateral walking Push Ups

The core may be more active depending on the power or movement needed to perform a task. If one aspect of the core is weak and another is strong, it causes muscle imbalance and becomes more prone to injury to various body muscles and joints. Building a strong core will require you to focus on stabilization, strength, and power for all muscle groups, providing the framework you need for longevity.


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