Everyone knows when you're fatigued, you should probably rest. That same concept goes for sore muscles after a day's hard work or workout.

Rest alone might do the trick for specific activities, but what happens if just rest is not enough? These tips will help. Simply start with:
Cool down phase: Every workout needs one. The cool-down phase is what we should do right after a high-impact workout. The cool-down phase allows our muscles to go from hyperactive to a low pace everyday movement. If the muscles stay super tense and active after workouts, it can lead to muscle breakdown.
Stretching: Stretching after physical activity helps to increase muscle flexibility. After a workout our muscles get stronger and tighter; to reduce the muscle tension and make the muscle more flexible; we must stretch.
Hydration: Drink, drink, drink! Water will be your best friend. Nothing stops gains like poor hydration. Water is the liquid of life! A sports drink can be useful as well because they contain minerals lost when sweating. It’s also beneficial to have a protein drink soon after. Protein is the building block of muscle repair and muscle gain.
Sleep: This can not be stressed enough; sleep. Our bodies need rest, and a certain amount of it as well. I don't know people who don't like sleep, but getting enough in today's world can be pretty tough. The distractions and the caffeinated drinks we consume might be harming our gains with crappy sleep. Make sure you're getting enough sleep.
Recovery is key to preventing injury, staying flexible, and staying healthy. These 4 recovery steps are non-negotiable and must be done to prevent serious wear and tear. We must work hard yet be smarter; let's recover better!