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Sources of Hydration

Nobalti Writer

Updated: Dec 27, 2022

Many people know the importance of staying hydrated; It helps the body function properly.

However, the significance of hydrating during colder months is often minimized. A study from the University of New Hampshire found that there’s an increased risk of dehydration when the temperature drops, which is for many reasons.

  • People don’t feel as thirsty in cold weather, so they drink less

  • The body loses water from respiratory fluid loss when breathing

  • Our body works harder with extra weight and clothing

Many people struggle to stay hydrated and consume the proper fluids. Still water, sparkling water, and coconut water are great ways of staying hydrated. However, many foods are full of water.

Cucumbers contain about 96% water. You can add these on the side of many meals, or even combine cucumber with fruit in your water. Celery’s water content is 95%. It can be used for a variety of dishes including soups and stews. It can also be a great snack with hummus or peanut butter. Romaine lettuce has a water content of 93%. This lettuce can be used on sandwiches or in any side salad. Zucchini has a water content of 92%. They are good on the grill or quickly sautéed. Watermelon has a 91% water content.

These fruits are great for hydration and are at their peak for the Fall/Winter Season

  • Celery

  • Romaine lettuce

These fruits are great for hydration and are at their peak for the Spring/Summer Season

  • Cucumber

  • Romaine lettuce

  • Watermelon

  • Zucchini

*It’s important to note that the fruits and vegetable peak differs based on where they are grown

Staying hydrated isn’t only about what we drink; we can consume water with the foods we eat. Hydration is essential for every facet of life - the recovery process when working out, when someone is ill, and literally for life in general. Stay hydrated!


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