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Strengthen Your Feet

When you think about strength, you might imagine things like solid arms and big shoulders.

While that indicates power, true strength comes from stable muscles and good balance. Our feet are a significant factor that holds up our body and allows us to enhance our stability, giving us strength.

There are 29 muscles within the ankle and foot. Muscles in your feet allow you to perform everyday tasks, like taking that trip to the supermarket with heavy bags in your hands. Your feet need to be strong to create lasting strength throughout your body. They provide balance and stabilization for our daily walks and runs; luckily, we can strengthen the foot muscles.

Exercise barefoot, do balance training with a balance ball or Bosu ball, and do a variety of movements with one leg.

Balance doesn’t only come from the feet. By strengthening our core and back muscles, we can also create better balance and stabilization for our body. Our core and back work together to keep us upright. Think about a brick wall. That’s how we want our backs and core - strong! But starting with our feet is a great place to begin.

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