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To Roll Or Not

Updated: Oct 20, 2022

Foam rolling has taken the fitness scene by storm in recent years. Some people are against it and some are for it. Nevertheless, these are just the facts.

Foam rolling is also called self-myofascial release (SMR for short ). It is a great way to release knots or tense muscles before or after a workout. When your muscles are tight, literally they can be in knots or can be overstretched.

Foam rolling before a workout or run can increase your flexibility and mobility, but only for a short period of time. It won’t increase mobility and flexibility as, say, yoga would, which would be long-term. It’s a short-term answer to be able to perform better and decrease the risk of injury vs working out without stretching.

Foam rolling doesn’t have to be painful or uncomfortable. If you’re in pain, you may be applying too much pressure on the muscle. Here are some foam rolling DOs and DON'TS:


  • Each body part for about 60 seconds

  • Apply a comfortable amount of pressure

  • Before or after workouts or just as a way to start your recovery day

  • Use as a short-term fix for flexibility and mobility issues


  • Go over 60 seconds

  • Apply too much pressure

  • Use it as a long-term mobility and flexibility issue

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